Analizo, 15 years of a multi-language Research Software tool for source code analysis


by Joenio M. Costa

Joenio Marques da Costa


  • Research Software Engineer
  • Work at CorTexT Platform
  • Software Heritage Ambassador
  • Debian Contributor
  • Live Coder and Visual Artist

Analizo means “analysis” in Esperanto

  • Extraction and calculation of source code metrics
  • Generation of dependency graphs
  • Software evolution analysis
  • Support for: C, C++, Java, C# and Python (beta)
  • Free Software

Analizo architecture



Paulo Meirelles’s started his PhD thesis Source code metrics tracking on free and open source projects
(ptbr: Monitoramento de métricas de código-fonte em projetos de software livre)

Technological objectives: Kalibro, Mezuro, Analizo.


Joenio Costa’s Undergrad Monograph:

Extraction of Dependency Informations among Modules of C/C++ Programs
(ptbr: Extração de Informações de Dependência entre Módulos de Programas C/C++


Software Paper:

Analizo: an Extensible Multi-Language Source Code Analysis and Visualization Toolkit. Tools Session of the 1st Brazilian Conference on Software.


Lucianna Thomaz Almeida and João Machini de Miranda’s undergrad monograph:

Código Limpo e seu Mapeamento para Métricas de Código Fonte.

  • Collaborated with Analizo cleaning the code and improving the source code quality.



Lucas Kanashiro Duarte undergrad monograph submitted Análise de Métricas de Código Fonte: Além das Métricas de Design de Código.

  • Evolved the Analizo on the context of the monograph…

Analizo core developers and maintainers


2008-2014 (6y)
  • Antonio Terceiro: PhD + his students
  • Paulo Meirelles: PhD + his students
  • Joenio M. Costa: Undergrad


2015-today (9y)
  • Joenio M. Costa: Volunteer

Analizo source code size

Analizo software paper citations


I’ve started a master thesis.

Should I evolve the Analizo?

What if I spend +3 years improving Analizo during the master?

After that who will maintain the project to keep it evolving and useful?

The effort to invest time during my master to improve a software tool is worthy?


Master thesis about sustainability of static analysis tools:

On the sustainability of academic software: the case of static analysis tools

  • And I’ve decided to not include Analizo evolution on the objectives of the master project…

Software must be recognized as scientific contribution and incentives on collaboration are nedded.

I feel (no evidence) that scientists collaborate on research activities but compete on software tool development.


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Presentation history

Where and when this presentation was done