Research Software invisibility
CorTexT Manager citation


what the community has done

what we’ve done in cortext manager

what remain to be done



  • Pierre Alliez, Roberto Di Cosmo, Benjamin Guedj, Alain Girault, Mohand-Said Hacid, et al.. Attributing and Referencing (Research) Software: Best Practices and Outlook from Inria. 2019. hal-02135891v1
  • Depositing scientific software into Software Heritage, septembre 28, 2018,
  • [CodeMeta 2017] Matthew B. Jones, Carl Boettiger, Abby Cabunoc Mayes, Arfon Smith, Peter Slaughter, Kyle Niemeyer, Yolanda Gil, Martin Fenner, Krzysztof Nowak, Mark Hahnel, Luke Coy, Alice Allen, Mercè Crosas, Ashley Sands, Neil Chue Hong, Patricia Cruse, Daniel S. Katz, Carole Goble. 2017. CodeMeta: an exchange schema for software metadata. Version 2.0. KNB Data Repository. doi:10.5063/schema/codemeta-2.0
  • [Di Cosmo, Gruenpeter and Zacchiroli 2018] Roberto Di Cosmo, Morane Gruenpeter, Stefano Zacchiroli. Identifiers for Digital Objects: the Case of Software Source Code Preservation. iPRES 2018 – 15th International Conference on Digital Preservation, Sep 2018, Boston, United States. pp.1-9. hal-01865790v3


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