Report FOSDEM 2024 and Software Heritage events
31/01 - Software Heritage Community Workshop
Software Heritage Community Workshop at the INRIA Research Center, Rue Simone IFF, 75012 Paris.
01/02 - Software Heritage annual community event
Software Heritage annual community event at UNESCO Headquarters, place Fontenoy, 75007 Paris. Program and info:
- The WebGraph framework, tool to analyze huge graphs in memory with compression
- Benchmark: SWH Graph fits in 176 GB using WebGraph instead of 4 TB
- WebGraph-pipeline ported from Java to Rust, 3x faster, developed in Italy
03/02 - FOSDEM 2024 Open Research devroom talks
Travel to Bruxels at 02/02 to attend FOSDEM at Université libre de Bruxelles, Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt 50, Belgium. Program and info:
Notes from Open Research devroom talks:
- Photovoice app Urban Belonging (UB) for collaborative data collection with smartphones camera, open source
- Pasqal, qubits, qadence
- VIGINUM, French Vigilance Against Foreign Digital Interference, use case: Cambridge Analytica
- Monitor and analyze ADS on social media: How open are Facebook Media ADS?
- LLMs on Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) research
- ChatGPT will change social sciences research?
- Open science issues, no reprodutibility, … How to do open science with LLMs?
- Response: Use Prompt Compass, available at GitHub
- Good tool to test models, params, prompts etc…
- Gephi Talk, history of gephi, webatlas, most cited paper
- Hyphe, pedagogy, 2018 clustering, grphology, sigma.js, minivan app
- 2019 convergence to Gephi.js, prototype nanci, sigma.js v2
- Last: Retina, Gephi Lite (during Gephi Hackathon), Gephi Lite full-client web app
- All the tools was made to fullfill academic needs, fosdem also is crucial to meet and discuss with Gephi community (Ouestware)
- Graph Commons: Proprietary tool for collaborative editing
- Cosma, synthethise knownledge
- Paul Otlet 1868, documentation, classification, encyclopedia, etc
- Personal notes -> views as graph
- Features: writing need, read text files, markdown, export static html graph
- “Linking is a knownledge organization proccess”
- The case of IPython and Jupyter Notebook
- Scientific software history, how social sciences look to software?
- How to tell the history of a scientific software?
- IPython, Jupyter notebook history
- Paper reference: Ten computer code that transformed science (Nature)
- Snakemake, workflow pipelines
- Evolved from GNU Make, DAG Graph, Python based
- Options
, local, remote - Protocols: HTTP, FTP, SFTP, AWS S3
- Ganga tool for compose, run and track jobs
-, Data Analysis Platform
- Open source, +11 thousands citations
- Web UI, GUI for CMD LINE tools, track of all analysis execution
- YAML to describe workflows, visual interface to create workflows
- Inputs -> Outputs -> Visualizations
- Galaxy training network,
- Galaxy tool shed offer many extra community tools
- Job handler, web handler, cluster, local or remote, hpc
04/02 - FOSDEM 2024 Open Media devroom talks and other talks
I’ve watched some Open Media devroom talks and other rooms. Program and info:
- I’ve presented a talk about the dublang tool in a short 5min talk
- Slides:
- Tweet:
10/02 - Unofficial online FOSDEM Open Research devroom
Unofficial online FOSDEM Open Research devroom event where I did a talk about the Analizo tool. Program and info:
- Analizo talk 10min + 5min QA