August 27th, 2024

Software Management Plan

and Software Heritage

by Joenio Marques da Costa

Joenio Marques da Costa


  • Research Software Engineer
  • Work at Platform
  • Software Heritage Ambassador
  • Debian Developer
  • Live Coder and Visual Artist


  • Duration: ~ 2 h
    • Welcome: 10 min
    • Round table: 20 min
    • Warm up: 10 min
    • Collaborative work: 60 min
    • Conclusions and bye: 20 min

Round table


  • Your profile?
  • Role in your institution?

Warm up


  • Has your institution made a decision regarding SMP?
  • What are the current practices in your community?

Collaborative work: Question (1.a)


  • In which documents do you keep metadata of your Research Software project?
  • How is it updated by the different actors?
  • Who are the actors?

Collaborative work: Question (1.b)


  • How to solve it?
  • Proposals?
  • Examples?

Questions (1.a) and (1.b)


Collaborative work: Question (2)


  • How to add SWH into it?
  • In which topic in a specific SMP model (Elixir, ODIPOR, PRESOFT, etc) the SWH features (Archiving, Referencing) can be linked?

Universal software source code archive

🛈 More than 150M projects, almost 10 billion unique source files as of January 2021

Software Heritage archive

The long term source code archive.

Software Hash identifier (SWHID)

Intrinsic identifiers for digital objects.

Source code:

Collaborative work: Question (2)


  • How to add SWH into it?
  • In which topic in a specific SMP model (Elixir, ODIPOR, PRESOFT, etc) the SWH features (Archiving, Referencing) can be linked?


Pérennisation des logiciels de la recherche

Key concepts?

  • SMP is a document that allows to identify Steps, Actors and Responsables
  • PRESOFT document can evolve over time
  • Lifecycle is the PRESOFT vision, if one specific information is not available now it can be available next year

PRESOFT, Section 3.2

Usage and distribuition objectives
Software preservation

PRESOFT, Section 6.1

Distribution organisation
Persistent identifier

SMP models and templates

Collaborative work: Question (2)


  • How to add SWH into it?
  • In which topic in a specific SMP model (Elixir, ODIPOR, PRESOFT, etc) the SWH features (Archiving, Referencing) can be linked?

Conclusions: 15 min


  • Do you identify other ways to create interconnection between SWH and SMP?
  • What would be your next practical steps regarding SWH and SMP?



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Licença Creative Commons

Presentation history

Where and when this presentation was done

  • 27 August 2024, online, [Software Heritage] Work session about Software Management Plans